This material updated from The Universal Transverse Mercator Grid, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Surveys and Mapping Branch, Ottawa, © 1969, The Queen's Printer. To help you understand what topographic maps are and how to use them, see National Topographic System (NTS) and The basics. The Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO) uses the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection for mapping of the National Topographic System (NTS) series at 1:50 000 and 1:250 000 scales. In no time and without any additional software you can easily creates a 3D map of a location of almost every place on earth. All projections have certain advantages and disadvantages, and the selection of one or the other depends chiefly on the needs of the user. Create, customize and edit your 3D map in the browser.

You can set your layer with the dropdown in the top right to switch to background and overlay. You can also enter a URL in the 'Enter URL' input and drag its token on that way. Over the centuries, various geometrical schemes have been worked out for representing the curved surface of the Earth on map sheets these schemes are known as map projections. Instructions Adding Stuff: Drop images from search, other pages, or your device to add to the map. Roll for Fantasy is a slimmed-down, grid-based map generator. The decision facing a map-maker, therefore, is not whether to have a distortion on a map, but what type of distortion. City Map Maker DndCREATE A MAP tailored to your campaign Draw dungeons, buildings or.

The UTM Grid – Map Projections section describes the different systems that can be used to locate any place in Canada. This distortion is not important for maps showing small parts of the Earth, such as city maps, but quite considerable for maps representing a country or entire continents. Because the Earth is a sphere, any representation of it on a flat surface involves distortion.